
The Spirit Of The Mad Chariot Driver

The Spirit Of The Mad Chariot Driver The spirit of the world was foreshadowed in Jesus` encounter with the man on the road near the town of Gadarene who told the Jewish Messiah in Palestine then occupied by the legions of the Roman Empire: `My name is legion.` Because he was possessed by demons, he was a type of Roman occupation, which the Jews were fighting against at that time as rebels. Jesus` teaching was similar to Mahatma Ghandi`s of India during occupation by the British Empire....

Scarlett`s Letter

Scarlett`s Letter   Nathaniel Hawthorne`s novel, The Scarlet Letter (1850), preceded the American Civil war (1861-5) by a brief span of time, whereas Margaret Mitchell`s character, Scarlett, in Gone With The Wind (1936), was written about that ante-bellum period, and before the outset of the Second World War (1939-45) against the fascist powers of Italy, Germany, and Japan. The theme of adultery, which is Hawthorne`s in The Scarlet Letter set in Boston, Massachusetts, because the scarlet...

Sucked Off By William S. Burroughs

  Sucked Off By William S. Burroughs   In fiction and history there are many heroines, but just what heroism is for a woman is interesting to define. The term `hero` is entirely male, so there isn`t an equivalent term for a woman`s role as a heroine, that is, she evinces heroism, whereas she should be identified as evincing the quality associated with her being a heroine, but there isn`t an adjective to describe the act of a woman who is a heroine. There`s only the male term,...

The Silent Knife Of John The Divine Murderer

The Silent Knife Of John The Divine Murderer   Jesus wasn`t a Prophet, in the traditional sense of prophesy, that is, foretelling events that will transpire which, though it seems so, isn`t in fact knowledge of the future, but rather prediction. Anyone can predict, because anyone can coerce, that is, a man locked in his car won`t make an appointment, which fulfils the prediction of the individual who paid to have him locked in his car. Consequently, prophets are associated with profits in...

Boys & Pew Pills

Boys & Pew Pills   The religion of the Hindus, who originally were migrating Australoids settling in the Indus Valley,1 which stretches through India and Pakistan, is based on the Vedas (1,500 - 500 B.C.) in which `serpent energy`, `kundalini`, is depicted as rising from the base of the spine, Muladhara, to the crown of the head, Sahasrara, as if it rested at several way stations en route along the pathways of the central nervous system. There are in fact locales, and these are called...

Penetrative Wit

Penetrating Wit   Although penetration is perceived as the sine qua non of the human sexual relationship, Jesus` birth from his mother, the Virgin Mary, without male semen, is more than a solution to the spreading of the HIV/AIDS virus. The human immuno-deficiency disease (HIV), and acquired immuno-deficiency syndrome (AIDS), is spread through men`s mixing of blood, shit and semen in each others` anuses in mockery and rejection of women`s host wombs for the sexual reproduction of human...

My Penis` Killer Is Over There

My Penis` Killer Is Over There   The relationship between girl and boy hasn`t changed much since Eve and Adam because the meaning of Eve`s conversation with God, the creator, in the paradise on Earth that was heaven below, is about ephemerality. Because Eve and Adam rejected the `fruit of the tree of life`, which was God`s gift of immortality, for `the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil`, that is, death and ephemerality, from the angel, Satan, who`d rejected God`s plan...

James Hunt: A Complaint

James Hunt: A Complaint   After the communist Revolution in October 1917 in Russia, which took place because the people weren`t content with Tsar Nicholas II`s assuming dictatorial control over the army during the First World War (1914-18) with a German Empire that had tried to establish its coercive authority over the Balkans by picking a fight with Serbia after the Archduke Ferdinand of Austria had been murdered in Sarajevo by a Serb, who shot him, and his wife Sophie, with a pistol on...

Post Huffington Woman

Post Huffington Woman   Jennifer Aniston is a Post Huffington woman in her `Jennifer`s Huffington Post` essay on `body fascism`, which is a term deriving from fasces, the symbol of Roman power during the period in which Jesus Christ was crucified by the Empire of Rome for teaching: `Love your neighbor as you love yourself.` (Mk: 12. 31) The fasces were a bundle of wood with an ax in the center and were used by the Italian dictator in Rome, Benito Mussolini, as his symbol after the election...

Moral Grounds Zero

Moral Grounds Zero   Human sexuality is alien to those who`d kill it on `moral grounds`, so those who would kill human sexuality are aliens. To a visitor to planet Earth the obsession censors have with human sexuality would be puzzling if they hadn`t been prepared by Jesus` birth and teaching that forms the basis of the Christian religion: `Love your neighbor as you love yourself.` (Mk: 12. 31) Born uncontaminated by male semen from his mother, the Virgin Mary, Jesus fulfilled God`s...
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