



J. R. R. Tolkien`s famous trilogy, The Lord Of The Rings (1954-5), was made into the Hollywood movies, The Fellowship Of The Ring (2001), The Two Towers (2002) and The Return Of The King (2003), while The Hobbit (1937), Tolkien`s story for children, was filmed as a trilogy, An Unexpected Journey (2012), The Desolation Of Smaug (2013) and There And Back Again (2014) about Bilbo, one of the `halfling` heroes, who live in holes with round doors in their town of Hobbiton. The hobbit, Bilbo, has Christ-like attributes as a savior amongst people and his emergence from his little hole with its round front door along Bagshot Row is reminiscent of Jesus` emerging from the tomb of his death after his crucifixion by the Romans for dissidency, that is, preaching `love your neighbor` (Mk: 12. 31) and forgiveness, before the final battle between good and evil results in the `last judgement` by God upon mankind and eternal unendurable pain for the wicked. Jesus` Resurrection from the sepulchre of his entombment by the mysterious means of a stone being rolled away from his burial place to allow him egress before his Ascension to heaven is similar to Bilbo`s departure with his companions to defend the men of Esgaroth, Lake Town, and kill the dragon, Smaug, attacking it.



 Bilbo`s nephew, Frodo, is the hero of The Lord Of The Rings and his main heroic act is to kill the giant spider, Shelob, on his way to destroy the ring of power, which was Lord Sauron`s, and still sustains the Dark Lord in Mordor, from where his armies are spreading to defeat the nations of the Earth allied against his evil ambition to enslave all. Frodo has to throw the ring into the volcano, Mt Doom, and Shelob is in his way. `Flies And Spiders` is the eighth chapter of The Hobbit in which Bilbo and his party encounter giant spiders in a woody clearing in the forest of Mirkwood and beat them off with cries of `Attacob!` which refers to the name for the male spider, that is, the cob, while the female`s a `pen`:


`Somehow [after] the killing of this giant spider . . . [h]e felt a different person, and much fiercer and bolder in spite of an empty stomach, as he wiped his sword on the grass and put it back into its sheath.`



 J. R. R. Tolkien`s whimsy may`ve been of `big cobs`, where `gob` is English vernacular for mouth and `big gob` is a `loudmouth`, that is, an illiterate. According to the Bible, the `pen` is `mightier than the sword`, because of the omnipotent role of the `Word of God` from the creator`s pen as it writes in creation through women`s host wombs. The cry `Attacob!` amongst the party of travelers in The Hobbit by Tolkien when attacked by spiders suggests the fiction is being defended against the `big gobs` of illiteracy. In The Return Of The King, Bilbo`s nephew, Frodo, has to take a short route by means of underground caverns, where he encounters Shelob, an ancient `pen`, and kills her. The meeting is in stark contrast to Bilbo and Frodo`s encountering Galadriel, the `Lady of the Golden Wood`, who is an elf.



 The role of the spider in film is appreciable. In the BBC TV science fiction series, Doctor Who (1963-) spiders are depicted as `controlling`1 humans in Planet Of The Spiders (1974) and having humans as their slaves. In the developmental psychology of Carl Gustav Jung (1875-1961), the spider is a symbol of the `Self` which, rather than having the human as its slave, is its articulation. Tolkien`s spiders and his elves in Lord Of The Rings correspond to Jung`s selves rather than spiders` slaves, which is what some humans fear God to be, an enslaver, whereas Jung writes of the need to articulate the `Self` with the ego-consciounsess in a process he calls individuation through self-actualization or conscious knowledge rather than that ignorant unconscious thoughtless way of acting that characterizes much untutored human behavior.



 Bilbo encounters the spiders in the forest of Mirkwood, and the elves of the forest of Lothlórien live there as those selves of the spiders. As the `Lady of the Wood` of Lothlórien, Galadriel, is more alluring, although the selves of the spiders of the forests of Lord Of The Rings are all elves, which means that the `golden children` are food or bait for food. The myth of the elves is they`ll pass away, because the race of men will take their place upon the Earth, and Tolkien depicts them as travelling in ships, because their time has come to leave that place upon the Earth he calls `Middle Earth` where the events of the stories occur. Because `futanarian` women with their own penis` semen and capacity for sexual reproduction independent of their `spidermen` are the `food` that can`t run away, the `futanarian` human species of woman with her own penis` `seed` is in danger of being devoured if she can`t develop beyond the spider`s maw.



 Galadriel is the female spider because the female gives birth and the male doesn`t, that is, the male spider is a `big gob`, whereas the female spider gives birth and is a `pen` that writes with the fruit of her womb as host to more than parasitism, which is what the `big gobs` that devour civilization, culture and art in war represent. In The Hobbit the scene with the spiders in the woody clearing represents an attack upon the feminized `pen` of the writer engaged in a struggle for creation with the evil old spirit of illiterate `big gob`. The party`s cries of `Attacob!` indicate the threat posed by the male spider, that is, the illiterate `big gob` attacking people because of God, that is, the author`s ability to articulate life amongst those who enjoy the living of it.

 If Lothlórien`s elves are Tolkien`s selves , and his concept of the spider is borrowed from Jungian psychology, Shelob is symbolically Tolkien`s archetype of the `Terrible Mother` and Galadriel is, in archetypal terms, his `Great Mother` and ideal woman, but he doesn`t know what to do about men, so he has the elves, who`re the golden children of his `Terrible Mother`, leave Earth, as God advises `woman`s seed` of Eve she`ll `crush the head of the serpent with her foot as she leaves` (Gen: 3. 15). Bilbo is much enamoured of elves, as Jesus was of heaven and God, because he was born uncontaminated by male semen from his mother, the Virgin Mary, before his Ascension and hers, although the Assumption of the Virgin Mary, that is, the assumption that women belong in heaven, wasn`t Catholic doctrine until 1950. God told the first woman, Eve, her `seed` would have `perpetual enmity` with the serpent`s seed`, who is represented by Smaug in The Hobbit, and the `red dragon` in the Bible, who waits in vain to devour Jesus, in his `Second Coming` to oversee the punishment of the wicked, who he will:


`… rule … with an iron scepter and … dash them to pieces like pottery.` (Rev: 2. 27)



 Because Jesus` mother is the Virgin Mary, he corresponds to Tolkien`s perception of his mother, that is, she was a `Terrible Mother` for having a husband, as Mary had Joseph, who Jesus rejected because he was `about his father`s business`, who was God and not Joseph. Tolkien`s depiction of the elves of Lothlórien leaving Earth is equivalent to Jesus` description of the Resurrection in which women uncontaminated by male semen, because they have their own penis` semen as `futanarian` women, killed by men so they can`t sexually reproduce their own brains` power for technological development and escape enslavement of the host wombs of their species, have the `new heaven and Earth` promised by God to Eve`s `seed`:


`At the resurrection people will neither marry nor be given in marriage; they will be like the angels in heaven.` (Matt: 22. 30)



 Just as Tolkien doesn`t know what to do about men, so Jesus envisions a heaven in which his mother, the Virgin Mary, and indeed all other women, are sexually reproductive and independent of men, who represent the spiders who are the illiterate `big gobs` in Tolkien`s wood, before the golden children appear as their truer selves in Lothlórien. Although the truer selves are closer to the heaven envisaged by Jesus, they`re still not true enough to the plan of God for `woman`s seed`, which excludes male semen because brain damage is men`s rule, within a too small gene pool of humans, in which the `futanarian` human woman with her own penis` semen has been killed and awaits Resurrection and redress from God`s law.

 The human brains are women`s because two women sexually reproducing together are 100% humanity, while men can`t sexually reproduce without her, and so are the 0% `big gobs` amongst the humans if women are present. The absence of `futanarian` woman with her own penis` `seed`, for her own host wombs, suggests men have killed her before and that`s the `original sin` since Adam and Eve`s expulsion from Eden for accepting the serpent`s power of death by eating the `fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil`, which is enslavement of women`s host wombs by men as her parasites. Mankind must repent if they`re to be born in heaven from the host wombs of women by their own `woman`s seed` from woman`s own penis` semen. If they don`t want her, perdition, that is, eternal unendurable pain, is God`s punishment.

 In the Bible God killed Onan for masturbating, because he didn`t want Tamar, which is God`s simple answer to a man who doesn`t want a woman. Satan, the serpent, who is the `red dragon` full grown, refuses to bow to Adam in heaven when he`s an angel, and that`s why he`s expelled from there by God, because Eve`s `seed` is to be among the heavenly angelic host wombs of God and Satan is unable to realize that, if he doesn`t want Adam, he can`t have her. The irony is he doesn`t have to have Adam, because Eve`s `seed` and host wombs are entirely woman`s but, as the `serpent` in Eden, Satan tempts Adam to repress Eve for getting the pair expelled from paradise, and so her `futanarian` human `seed` of woman with her own penis` semen, as the true progenitors of her species upon the planet Earth, that is, because men can`t sexually reproduce alone, became marginalized and almost extinguished as the true race.

 God had given the `fruit of the tree of life`, which was immortality, to Adam and Eve, but they succumbed to the serpent`s temptation. Afterwards, technological advancements in medicine would be the measure of progress towards immortal youthfulness, which is why God tells Adam, `You will earn your bread by the sweat of your brow,` that is, Adam must work for immortality and Redemption, which is what Jesus` teachings of forgiveness, and love for one`s neighbor, rather than war, signifiy. Amidst conflict it`s difficult to progress technologically, other than in warfare, which is what the 20th century revealed.  Jesus is the `Logos`, that is, the `Word of God`, because technology, as the developed `Logos`, is the solution to mankind`s ills, but first conflict must be resolved, and so Jesus` teachings are `forgiveness` for one another as neighbours. Freedom for the host wombs of the human species will result from technological progress facilitating the leaving of Earth by `futanarian` women with their own penis` semen, as Eve`s `seed` escaping in starships of her own brains` devising, with her race`s capacity for sexually reproducing her own human intellectual capacities revived during the Resurrection.



 Though literate J. R. R. Tolkien was another `big gob` spreading lies about the true nature of women`s `pens`, that is, God`s `futanarian` human species with her own penis` seed`. The `big gob` of the male spider isn`t the natural sexual complement to the female, who as `futanarian` human women with their own penis` `seed`, are bound for heaven and God, where men can`t go if they reject the host wombs of women in preference for enslaving her in more lies and fictions masquerading as truth told by illiterate `big gobs` who wants to devour `woman`s seed` in wars, like flies to be eaten in `webs of deceit` occluding her from knowledge and wisdom due to her by her human right to teach and spread the `Word of God` by word of mouth between themselves.



 Living as ephemeral flies trapped in amber, like the fossilized remains of a prehistoric species once destined to rule over the Earth, women with their own host wombs and penis` semen as `futanarian` humans have lost their memory and brains` capacity, without sexual reproduction between themselves, to have anything other than coitus with illiterate `big gobs` intent on inflicting more brain damage on her shrinking gene pool. Having inveigled its way into the host womb of the human species millennia ago, while women struggle like flies caught in the web of the alien`s lies, the parasite refuses to let go, and it has developed an elaborate fiction of the species of `futanarian` woman with her own penis` semen and capacity for sexually reproducing her own intellectual power for socio-economic independence. In addition to the parasitical activity of the male `big gobs`, women are `food` for the eaters of her human brains.



 The `futanarian` human race of woman has been devoured by the `spidermen` as `food`, so her host womb can be used to further its enslavement of her in parasitism and extinction in its wars against her human species. Without her other `futanarian` foot, woman can`t walk, because she`s being bred by a spider to be too brain damaged to develop the technology for her to be able to run and escape from the illiterate `big gobs`. Without sexually reproducing with her own penis` semen, she`ll have only the brains that the spider can give her from its penis` `seed` and so will never be able to develop beyond being the mother to a human species bred for men`s wars in devourment of the products of her host womb enslaved  to  illiterate `big gobs`.



 The most modern types of warfare depict paratroopers, which are effectively spiders descending on parachutes to deploy, as invaders against human hosts uninvited, which is what Jesus warned against at the `Last Supper`, as the human host offering `bread and wine`, as symbols of his `body and blood`, which the disciple, Judas Iscariot, betrayed, because he preferred the Roman legions of spiders to be airborne in the future and deployed against the `futanarian` women`s civilization, culture and art, which he didn`t want to be born, despite Jesus` birth from the Virgin Mary uncontaminated by male semen as a sign that the future would be `woman`s seed` and not spidermen`s.

 One of the most popular movies of the 20th century was the adaptation of the United States of America`s  science fiction writer, Robert A. Heinlein`s (1907-88) novel,  Starship Troopers (1959), in which `mothers` dropped `boys` from starships, as paratroopers are delivered by aircraft, to fight against giant arachnids on `bug` worlds. Like Tolkien, Heinlein was another feminized `pen` of the creator trying to understand why women were always written into the script as producers of `cannon fodder` for the spiders to eat. The Hollywood `blockbuster` movie version, Starship Troopers (1997) was seen as an instruction book for the illiterate bullying `big gobs` of the generation that saw themselves as unassailably heroic after America`s Gulf wars against Saddam Hussein`s Iraq.



 In Tolkien`s The Lord Of The Rings, Sauron and Aragorn are depicted as being on the side of evil and good respectively, but the truth is simpler. Tolkien is a `big gob` writing wars for criminals to participate in. At the dawn of the 21st century, Al Qaeda terrorists attacked the Two Towers of the World Trade Centre after hijacking planes at Boston`s Logan airport, which conflated Tolkien`s Two Towers novel with Logan`s Run (1976), the science fiction movie in which everyone was killed when they reached 21, because there weren`t sufficient economic resources in the fictional society to support an ageing population.

 Ancient Greece was the model for institutionalized enslavement of women`s host wombs in homosexual pederasty and warfare, which is the devouring of peoples in war. Without medical progress, women won`t live old enough to have knowledge of their own species` wisdom and so HIV/AIDS, the `Greek` contagion spread as the `biological weapon` of pederasty`s `killer disease`, is an aspect of that `rough trade` of homosexual pederasty`s `brutality and violence` which Al Qaeda`s attack upon the World Trade Centre of New York, on September 11, 2001, was designed to precipitate on a global scale. Keeping women`s host wombs in fearful faithfulness to monogamy`s enslavement of her `means of production` is an aspect of the `biological warfare` of illiterate `big gob` the spider and so HIV/AIDS remains incurable, because the spider doesn`t want women to be older than 21. It isn`t that it doesn`t want her to be immortally youthful, thanks to medical science, but it doesn`t want her to know her `futanarian` race of humanity is `spider food`.



 In Logan`s Run the economic hypothesis is that humans must die before reaching 21 years of age, but that wasn`t true at the beginning of the 21st century, when Al Qaeda terrorists precipitated the second Gulf war (2001-11) with Al Qaeda`s supporter in the Middle East, dictator Saddam Hussein of Iraq, who`d been kicked out of Kuwait in the first Gulf war (1990-1), after invading his neighbor with his army. Al Qaeda`s attack upon the Two Towers of New York was an attempt to reestablish global `rough trade`, that is, the `brutality and violence` of homosexual pederasty, and maintain its contagious `killer disease` of HIV/AIDS as its coercive power over women in misogyny, whereas it is written in the Bible that God sent the `blood plague` to convert men from their sin of enslaving women`s host wombs in homosexual pederasty and war:


`Men cursed the God of heaven for their pains and their sores but refused to repent of what they had done.` (Rev: 16. 11)


 Al Qaeda`s attack upon the Two Towers was an attempt to end the possibility of human growth and development at the outset of the 21st century. Much as the people of Logan`s Run had to die after they reached the age of 21. Women`s sexual reproduction with each other as `futanarian` humans, with their own penis` semen, necessarily results in the creation of women with their own brains` power and capacity for independent socio-economic and political endeavor, so two women of voting age are 100% human while two men are unable to sexually reproduce together, which means women over 21 know too much for men if they know women are humans while men aren`t and so democratically constitute 0% of humanity. Men don`t want women to reach maturity and stay there long enough for them to remember their own `futanarian` human species with her own penis` semen, so men engineer wars to divert resources away from medicine that would prolong the lives of women, for example, and cure the bane of their existence, that is, the `killer disease` of HIV/AIDS, which keeps them in host womb slavery to misogyny`s parasitical hatred of women`s species with their own `futanarian` penis` seed`, and is what Al Qaeda was doing when they attacked the Two Towers.



 The Two Towers was the film written by the feminized `pen` that was J. R. R. Tolkien writing in the `spirit of God`. The female spider, Shelob, as the `Terrible Mother`, and Galadriel, as the `Great Mother`, represent  men`s desire to imprison a woman in a dungeon and prevent her from being born and escaping. Although Galadriel and the elves leave `Middle Earth`, the `Terrible Mother`, Shelob, remains in her lair, because men can`t let the woman go in faith that they`ll be with her in heaven as she births them there from her own host wombs as the `futanarian` human species with her own penis` semen to fertilize her own ova and produce her own brains` power.



 Al Qaeda wasn`t Tolkien`s Two Towers because he was a feminized `pen` and not a `big gob` of a devouring male spider, which was what Osama Ben Ladan the terrorist leader was. He organized the attack on the Twin Towers of the World Trade Centre on New York`s Manhattan island, which determined the 21st century as yet another period of men`s warfare and resources channeled into human extinction rather than medical science and technologies that would make life longer and nicer to look at:


`Mystery, Babylon the great, mother of harlots and of the abominations of the Earth.` (Rev: 17. 5)


 The `Terrible Mother` is an archetype of Jungian psychology where archetypes are the contents of the collective unconscious appearing in dreams, imagination and art as the impulse engines of the human odyssey to the planets and stars of God`s heaven. Babylon is a `Terrible Mother`, because she`s a woman whose host womb is enslaved by homosexual pederasty for the devourment of its product of civilization, culture and art through warfare, and the paratroopers of the 20th century are the spiders on their parachutes that represent her terribleness. The `Great Mother` is the woman who is wise and knowledgeable in Jungian psychology`s conceptions with regard to developmental archetypes, which Galadriel represents in Tolkien, because she is the mother of a fairer race of folk closer to Bilbo`s - and nephew Frodo`s - ideas of heaven, but the `Great Mother` is more properly represented as the `futanarian` woman with her own host womb and penis` semen  for her own angelic host in heaven while fictional taboos and restrictions prevent the socio-economic and political illiteracy of the `big gobs` from being replaced by the `Word of God` from the `pens` of the mothers.



 In Japanese mythology the giant spider, Tsuchigumo,3 appears as a young boy but is revealed to be what he is, which is what Frodo represents in Tolkien`s Lord Of The Rings, because in terms of the story`s contrapuntal theme, he`s Sauron, the `big gob` who seeks to bring him to Mordor so he can have the ring and so devour the world and be older with the world no wiser. The prototype in English fiction is Fagin from Charles Dickens` Oliver Twist (1838) who employs young boys to thieve and he receives what they steal. The `thief` label is Bilbo`s in The Hobbit and Frodo, his nephew and heir, receives the ring from Bilbo and the title `ringbearer` from the elves. The ring that was found that was Sauron`s had cut it from the finger of the legendary elven lord, Elendil, after a battle, so Sauron is the thief. The magical ring actually belongs to Aragorn, one of Frodo`s companions on the journey to the destruction of the ring in Mt Doom. Although he`s the rightful heir to the ring as Elendil`s descendant and last king of the West, Aragorn doesn`t want to be a `big gob`, like Sauron, and devour the world. He supports Frodo as the `ringbearer` of the elven woman, Galadriel, on his way to destroy the evil power to enslave the Earth by hurling it atop Mt Doom into the volcano`s mouth.



 The idea of the `spider`, as a symbol of the `Self`, derives from the psychology of Carl Jung, and the spider is symbolic because the ego exists at the centre of a `network` or `web` of interrelations between itself and dreams, imagination and art from which arise the developmental archetypes that ultimately gave birth in the minds of the inventive to the world wide web or internet as a public information system for people interested in developing themselves. The `world web` represents the greater `Self` of the human species as the repository of the collective endeavours of humanity over the eons, because it`s where knowledge of the collective efforts of the race can be accessed. Jung writes of the archetypes of the collective unconscious, which are the collective impulses of humankind towards progress and development.



 The spider and the `world wide web` are an archetypal configuration arising from the collective unconscious, because humankind needs individuals to become conscious and self-actualized through learning what is stored upon the internet that contains as much of the race`s memory as is commensurate with the level of achieved technology. Consequently, the spider`s web is an archetypal image arising from the unconscious, because there`s something that humankind needs to have. The `seed` of woman`s `futanarian` human species with her own penis` semen represents 100% human brainpower, because her host womb is human, so the web may have been brought into existence to remind humanity that men can`t sexually reproduce together. Taboos against representations of human sexuality are taboo in many societies. Perhaps because men, as the enslavers of women`s host womb to produce boys to be consumed in warfare, don`t want women to be able to sexually reproduce with each other as `futanarian` humans with their own penis` semen so that an intelligent human race will become socio-economically independent of its enslavers and devourers:


`… man journeys into the sky and meets another ally, Spider Woman. It is she who makes human arteries, and is thus considered to be a medicine woman.` 2



 The image of Spiderman (2002) is familiar to most people of the 20th century and beyond from the Marvel superhero universe and the Hollywood movies based upon the comic strip character, who is able to project spider`s web from his hands to catch criminals and climb buildings, for example, but the image of a spiderwoman is more difficult to discover in popular culture, although she appears in the Navaho myth of the North American Indian as an expert in human blood probably because the pure human woman isn`t contaminated by male semen, as Jesus Christ wasn`t, because HIV/AIDS is the `killer disease` of homosexual pederasty`s `biological wars` against humanity.



 Although J. R. R. Tolkien`s Shelob is a negative figure in fiction, Galadriel as a spider born figure in Tolkien`s Lord Of The Rings isn`t so well drawn as to be obvious, but the extrapolation from `Attacob!` in The Hobbit chapter, `Flies And Spiders`, where the male spiders attack Bilbo and his fellow travelers in a woody place, before they arrive in Lothlórien to be greeted by the `Lady of the Golden Wood`, suggests that Tolkien was making an analogy between `big gobs`, that is, men as the illiterate enslavers and devourers of women`s host wombs for warfare, and his own feminized `pen` as the archetype of his `Self`, which conceived of the female as a better writer, and more important to be written about, but he was trapped in the collective shadow of his fathers and so couldn`t write other than they had. The soul is female in Jungian psychology and he calls it the anima, which is the mediator of the subconscious and unconscious aspects of the archetypal `Self` and its aim of making the individual conscious and aware. Because women are `futanarian` with their own penis` semen, the anima and `Self` of Tolkien`s `pen` is actualized in the negative or shadow-contaminated figures of Shelob and the anima-figure Galadriel, because the spider represents the ego and the web and the writer`s elf is the pen`s `Self`, that is, she`s the woman Tolkien could be if he was a child of her host womb and her golden children were the `futanarian` species of women with their own penis` `seed`.



Towards the close of The Lord Of The Rings, Frodo returns home to Hobbiton, where the depredations of men Tolkien generically calls `ruffians` have been occurring in the heroes` absence, but Frodo has been given seed by Galadriel which is elven magic and the damage done to the town by men`s false socio-economy that prefers coarseness and vulgarity to delicacy amid converse is quickly repaired despite resistance from smaller `gobs`, that is, the `squint-eyed brutes` at the Battle Of Bywater, the last in the `War Of The Ring` in which 19 hobbits die. Galadriel`s is `woman`s seed`, because `futanarian` woman with her own penis` `seed` is the solution to the small gene pool and the brain damage women live with as so few of her human brains are sexually reproduced by her own penis` semen. Tolkien`s perception is that the female is the creatrix, because she`s the host womb and, although the creator is God, males of every species are supernumerary if the female has her own penis` `seed`, which means Shelob and Galadriel are truly related because they`re female. In terms  of Tolkien`s contrapuntal thematic structure, Galadriel is Shelob`s `golden child`, while the male characters in The Lord Of The Rings are their imagination. Tolkien`s hypothesis seems to have been that men were women`s imaginary characters born from their host wombs to be written as protagonists in some great fiction, and there`s nothing in biology to indicate he was erring in his analysis.



 Dresses of the mid-to-late nineteenth century incorporated a bustle which made the woman`s derrière unduly bulky, but reminiscent of the back part of an arachnid, because the spider archetype was already manifesting itself at that period in socio-history, which would eventually result in the creation of the world wide web from out of the collective unconscious. In Greek mythology the figure of the goddess, Pallas Athene, is usually depicted wearing a helmet above her brow, which looks as if she has two pairs of eyes. According to myth the goddess was a legendary weaver who had a rival in Arachne who wove scenes of the father god Zeus` infidelities and was transformed into a spider by Athene in an early instance of internet censorship for pornographic representations. Athene`s own weaving was about usefulness. She became goddess of Athens after giving the Athenians an olive tree, which was the subject of her woven tapestry, but Arachne represents the nascent psychological value of an interest in sex because women are `futanarian` with their own penis` `seed` and capacity for sexually reproducing their own brains` power, which is why statues of the goddess Athene seem to have eyes above and eyes below.



 Arachne represents the goddess Pallas Athene`s unconscious `Self` becoming archetypally conscious in the 20th century as the world wide web, so her new eyes aren`t yet visible but indicated by the eyes of the helmet raised above Pallas` brow. The other famous attribute of Pallas Athene is the head of a medusa on her shield, which turns enemies to stone, because spider`s paralyse, as do serpents, and medusa`s hair is comprised of serpents. Pallas Athene, as the war goddess of Athens, represents that aspect of human nature which doesn`t want development, but the true battle is for the development of women`s brains and `Self`, which is why Arachne`s weavership is transcendentally important for the `futanarian` future of woman`s human race and so Arachne symbolizes the unconscious `Self` of woman represented by Pallas Athene who is a traditional warrior goddess supportive of her city, Athens, unreflectingly:


` Another Hopi myth [ of] … insectlike beings ... [with] Spider Woman to lead them …, turned into people.`4



 Unreflective belief in men isn`t supportive of development, because the female is the womb of creation and the `futanarian` human species of woman has her own penis` `seed` as well as her own host womb, so Spider Woman can lead rather than be led by unbelief, which is what belief in men is: unbelieveable because men aren`t her species and so don`t actually prioritize her welfare. The horse was the symbol of both Pallas Athene and the city of Troy, to where the ancient Greeks deployed to restore the wife of Menelaus, brother of the king of Sparta, Agamemnon, who had been abducted by Prince Paris, son of king Priam of Troy. After a long siege the Greeks pretended to go home in their ships and left a huge hollow wooden horse inside which they hid and emerged to capture the city of Troy and enslave the host wombs of the Trojan women in institutionalized Greek homosexuality and pederasty in order to spread their contagion of war further. By the late 20th century the HIV/AIDS virus had emerged as the `Greek` plague functioning as a `biological weapon` keeping women in fearful faithfulness to men`s ownership of their host wombs in monogamous misogyny, which prejudiced against women`s being able to sexually reproduce their own brains` powers through `futanarian` women`s penis` `seed`.

 Al Qaeda`s attack on the Two Towers was a typical `Trojan horse` whereby the virus was able to collapse the human system by spreading a contagion by means of one simple act of invasiveness. From the perspective of Tolkien`s Two Towers, Frodo`s defeat of Shelob in her underground lair results in the collapse of the Dark Lord`s Tower of Barad-dûr in Mordor. Shelob represents women`s darkness but, although she`s a `pen`, she`s not responsible for the plot, while women who need brains to save the Earth from men`s wars are responsible for the unfolding story if they know that sexually reproducing as human women with their own penis` semen is the politics of truth rather than political correctness.



 In terms of political truth, politically correct feminism engenders clinically diagnosable schizophrenia, insofar as young women are taught they`re lesbians if preferring women, whereas the `futanarian` species of woman with her own penis` `seed` is human and for herself alone. The `Greek` model of institutionalized slavery of women`s host wombs in homosexual pederasty and war is indirectly espoused in feminism, because  `lesbians` are defined as homosexual and equal to `gays`, whereas men can`t sexual reproduce together and are blamed for the incurable `killer disease` of the late 20th century, HIV/AIDS. Feminism`s defining of normal `lesbian` women as homosexual, when human `futanarian` women with their own penis` semen  are definable as `most normal,` as Helen of Troy was `most beautiful`, and is why Paris wanted her, which precipitated the Greeks` spreading of their contagion of war and pederasty, is offensive to intelligent women who know their own species.



 The movie The Fly (1958) is a typical male construct in which the `hero` is a scientist working on a matter transporter called the integrator-disintegrator and he becomes trapped inside the chamber with a fly. The result is Andre and the fly are combined so the fly has his head and his body has the head of the fly. It`s a stereotypical 1950s alien invasion movie scenario because men`s devouring nature is that of the spider rather than the fly.



 In the psychology of Carl Jung (1875-1961) shadow-integration is the essence of the individuation process whereby the inferior nature of a person is projected from that person`s ego so that the other individual is perceived as inferior. The integrator-disintegrator machine is psychologically a shadow-integrator, but the consequence of the fly trapped in the chamber with the hero is personality disintegration, which is what happens if the shadow-personality continues to be projected as the individual is unable to become aware of the process whereby conflict occurs due to his being unable to perceive that the other person isn`t inferior.



 In reality inferiority is what are termed evil people because they`re no good, which is why morality exists; to give people guidance so that they can recognize dangerous people and avoid them, which is what it is to have an integrated shadow. The individual character is `split` in The Fly because it`s an evil film in which a man is depicted as a fly rather than a spider, which is their actual nature according to the socio-historical evidence of their wars. The counterpart of The Fly is Psycho (1960) in which a woman,  Marion Crane, probably named for the ephemera, the crane fly, which lives but briefly, is murdered in the shower by the owner of the Bates Motel, Norman, because the shower curtain is flimsy and transparent and it arouses the desire to kill in the `spider` man, rather than sexual arousal, which is what a normal `futanarian` woman with her own penis` `semen` would experience.  The Fly ends as a brown spider advances towards the body of the fly, while the head of the man attached to it screams:


`Help me! Help me!`



 A man crushes both with a rock, but doesn`t consider whether the spider is female, and it`s not supposed to be important because the audience is expected to care about the man because he`s a fly, while the woman in Psycho is similarly a metaphor for the integrator-disintegrator but her shower chamber is so flimsy that Norman `the spider` Bates is able to kill her. The human believes in shadow-integration rather than disintegration, because she`s the individual who wants to live. The spider moving towards the man as the fly in the web is what women should do to defend their own species, which is why the man kills the spider. The woman in the shower scene in Psycho isn`t sufficiently shadow-integrated to recognize that spidermen are dangerous killlers of her species to avoid being murdered.  If The Fly had been about a woman, the metaphor would have been instantly recognizable, but it`s about a man, Andre, because men want to be pitied for being the killers of the human race, However, according to God`s Bible, there`s no marvelous escape from Spiderwoman planned. Marion in Psycho should be pitied, but 21st century movies like Scream (1996), in which the `action` is of women being murdered, has encouraged women to see themselves in the role of the killed, because men aren`t her victims: she`s theirs. The crushing of the small creature by the large alien with a rock in The Fly is what thermoglobal nuclear holocaust is, which is what men do. Humans seem insignificant, the smaller they are perceived to be by the shadow-projector, that is, women as the human species are endangered, because the alien is able to kill them at a distance and is evil as it`s taught everyone that what is small is of no importance and people in other countries look so small they can`t even be discerned:


`Keep your friends close and your enemies closer.`5



 It`s hard for women to recognize an enemy from a friend when they live so close together, which is why wars are possible. Sun Tzu`s teaching is false, because he was a man. The secret is to keep your friends close and to keep your enemies as far away as possible so you can crush them like bugs, but it`s difficult to do because women are the humans and their enemies are keeping them close. Women in other nations are too far away from their enemies to be discernably human by those who`re given orders to attack their countries, which is why the Gulf wars were heavily criticized by media watchdogs for becoming `TV wars` between media rivals to provide entertainment to the public of a type more or less identical to `PC gaming` in which the theme of killing the small and helpless is basic to the new culture of the psychopath, that is, murdering, undiscernible and insignificant women as the `hero` of computer games widely available to children and, unsurprisingly, adults who ought to be taught human behavior, which is what Jesus` teachings of forgiveness and Redemption are designed to do:


`Know your enemy.`6



 Whether mid-to-late nineteenth century women wore a bustle to be spiderly attractive is moot. If men`s primeval nature is arachnoid, rather than simian, as Sir Charles Darwin`s On The Origin Of Species (1859) argues, but it would explain the bustle. If women are `futanarian` with their own penis` semen, it`s a moot debate whether men are arachnoid or simian. Proven to be devourers of the human race of `futanarian` woman, it`s immaterial as to whether men are dragons, which is how Satan is depicted in the Bible, while waiting in vain to devour Jesus in his `Second Coming` to oversee the apocalyptic Revelation of God`s sublime mercy and punishment, or that men appear as `big gob` spiders catching blind human ephemeral flies in mafia-like murderous world wide webs of illiteracy and deceitful censorship and occlusion that prevents `killer diseases` like HIV/AIDS from being cured to prevent human knowledge and wisdom from being disseminated from the ancient to the learner by means of adequate technology and appropriate visionary material.



 Jesus` teachings provided the textual material for understanding the process of metanoia and Redemption. The spider appears in both the holy book of the Koran that was dictated to the Prophet Mohammed (610-30 C.E.) by the angels upon which the Moslem faith of Islam is based and in the Bible in the Old Testament story of David. Both stories are about spiders helping fugitives and echo the story of Robert Bruce, the first king of Scotland who, observing a spider while sheltering in a cave, learned the perseverance required to win the Scottish throne away from English rule. In `The Cave` sura, that is, chapter 18, of the Koran, anti-Moslem persecutors leave Mohammed unmolested: ` They thought no one could have entered the cave because the spider's web had not been broken.` In the Targum, which is an explication by Jewish rabbis of the Bible, the future king of Israel is pursued:


` … a spider spun its web over the door part of the cave where David was concealed. Seeing the spider web king Saul did not enter the cave because he thought that David could not have entered it without breaking the spider's web. Thus David was saved.`  (Ps: 57. 2)


 In both instances the commentator misses the point, because the spider is constructing a trap. In the New Testament story of Jesus, Christ has Resurrection and Ascension to heaven after a stone is mysteriously rolled away from the cave where his body has lain after his execution as a `dissident` by the local representative of the Roman Empire. The stone is equivalent to the spider`s web that ostensibly conceals Mohammed and David from their pursuers, which means Jesus Christ`s place of rest is that of a `trapdoor` spider, just as Bilbo and his friends in their holes in Hobbiton with the round doors are further representation of Tolkien`s spiderfolk, that is, characters created by the `pen` for the `big gob` who is her devouring male. Jesus` teachings can be understood as an appeal to humans not to be eaten as the spider wants, because those who espouse evil will have the perdition of eternal unendurable pain as God`s punishment for wanting what it is that spiders do, which is trap people like flies and eat them.



 One of the more curious Christian iconographical representations of the crucifixion is of a spider in the place of Christ crucified. According to Jungian psychology the spider and Jesus are both symbols of the `Self`, so Christ appears on the cross of his torture and murder as a spider in some archetypal Christian iconography.  The idea of Jesus Christ, as a spider at the centre of a Christian web, is ugly but truthful, that is, the spider is a symbol of Christian networking, which was essential at the time of the founding of the church and is manifested in the modern age as the world wide web or internet disseminating truth for the ego to develop and grow.

 Carl Jung believed that Jesus was one of a few individuals to have achieved self-actualization, which is conscious awareness of the totality of the `Self`, and the image of the spider crucified on the cross is a metaphor for men`s hatred of the archetype of God. Jung associates God with the archetypal products of the individuating `Self` confined to a limited ego bound perception, rather than an extended knowledge and wiser awareness, based on tutored understanding and learned interaction with like minds. As Jesus represents the totality of human awareness, because he was a self-actualized individual, the notion of him as a spider at the centre of a web of interconnectivity and wisdom is understandable as it`s an internet archetype for those not self-aware but want to be as wise as Christ was. Jesus` emergence from the spider`s hole after his death upon the cross of his crucifixion and entombment represents the justification of a faithful belief that the human species won`t be devoured because God won`t allow it.



 In the subcontinent of India, Kali is the many armed mother goddess of the Hindu religion described as the giver of life but also its destroyer, because women who are forced to bear the children of the `serpent`s seed`, as Babylon mother of `abominations` is, are slaves without the power to destroy what they bear unwillingly, whereas Kali doesn`t have to have women bear what isn`t to be borne, because she can sexually reproduce her own species` brains with her own penis` `seed` for socio-economic and technological progress independent from men`s enslaving of her host wombs as the parasitical devourers of the civilization, culture and art she`s able to bear, despite the depredations of her destroyers in their `perpetual enmity` for her `seed` that God warned Eve they bore towards her. 



 Although Islamic Pakistan is represented as the antithesis of Hinduism, Moslem marriages are similarly archetypal because four wives are permissible in Islamic culture, which means many armed families of women. Men`s arms were in view during the Gulf wars as the homosexual giant of pederasty sent its `boys` to face each other in tanks with a large protuberance on the front as a `display`. In husbandry the female is described as `presenting` when she`s ready to copulate and indicates it, so in homosexual terms the tank battlefields of the Gulf wars represent a homosexual giant `presenting` and the proboscis like protrusions of its turret guns were its `display` prior to hostilities. Hinduism represents the archetypal language required to comprehend such activities, because its mythic symbolism is seemingly a grotesque series of incomprehensible transmogrifications that actually make perfect sense. Kali has many arms, because women are many armed humanity, with its own host womb and penis` `seed`, whereas men have many arms, because they`re a many armed demon. Kali is depicted as a destroyer, because she doesn`t like demons, although Christianity describes her as a demon because she`s a powerful female archetype that wouldn`t want women to be enslaved for warfare. What she would want is a many armed woman as the human species capable of defending herself from demons with many arms and so she`s depicted as having many arms for the defense of her home but not for invading other houses, which is what the many armed demon, Saddam Hussein, and his Iraq army did to Kuwait in the first Gulf war (1990-1) and resulted in President George W. Bush in the United States of America sending his demon with many arms to fight Saddam`s and throw it out of Kuwait.



 In the Hindu pantheon there are many gods but they read as a description of reality if humans are aware that women have penis` `seed` of their own. Shiva, `the transformer`, is her consort and is called the `eternal time` because he`s to be human, although because he`s male he`s `the destroyer` too, whereas Kali is `time and change` worshipped as `ultimate reality` and `redeemer of the universe` because the `lingam` or penis and `yoni` or vagina of the woman is redeemed in the single biunity of the human family of `futanarian` woman with her own penis` `seed` and capability to produce her own brains` power. The third major aspect of God in the Hindu pantheon of deities is Vishnu, `the preserver`, who has blue skin and can appear as all women upon the Earth, because that symbolizes men`s racism towards the human species of woman, kept in subjection and slavery to an alien that divides peoples by colour in order to provoke conflict and kill her by proxy.  All cultures, civilizations and art can be explained in the same way; an excuse for men`s waging war against what women have produced that is different to what men are: killlers. Vishnu`s ability to transform from god to ubiquitous woman is simply a different description of Jesus` `futanarian` heaven of woman with her own penis` `seed` independent of men and is what God in Christianity has planned for the future of humanity, blue skinned or elsewise.



1 `Planet Of The Spiders`, fifth serial of Doctor Who, series 11, BBC TV,  May 4 - June 8, 1974.

2 Wyman, Leland C. The Windways of the Navaho, 1962, pp, 33-34.

3 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tsuchigumo .

4 https://www.mythencyclopedia.com/Sp-Tl/Spider-Woman.html .